Weight Loss – Many Roads Well Traveled


Lower Carb & Moderate-High Protein

Atkins, South Beach, Keto, Primal, Paleo, Caveman 

The Jist: Cyberspace is abuzz with the new science backing the benefits of keeping refined sugars and starches to a low, and meeting your nutritional needs with more protein and fat inspired meals.

Pros: All of the above do a stellar job at cutting cravings while helping those with diabetes manage insulin. They can also improve certain wheat and gluten allergies.

Cons: Some food guidelines may seem too restrictive to some and can agitate Crohn’s and other gastro-disorders.

Vanity & Quick-Solution

Grapefruit, Cabbage Soup, Fat Flush, Master Cleanse, Shangri-LaQuick

The Jist: If you’re strapped for time or simply like a means to an end, some of these programs may work for you.

Pros: Depending on the duration and the quality of the foods you use, these diets offer a no-nonsense approach to losing a few pounds in a few days.  They can be beneficial for those with not much to lose or those just looking to cleanse.

Cons: For those of us with an excessive amount of weight to lose, these are usually never the healthiest options, because they are normally not meant for long term. Some can also leave you feeling drained and depleted despite claiming the contrary.