Weight Loss – Many Roads Well Traveled

weight loss artcl- pre-pckg prgm

Pre-packaged Commercial

Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Medifast, Ideal Protein

The Jist: Some of the most successful programs lend themselves to creating a system that encompasses food re-education, combined with convenient meals and a large support system.

Pros: Pre-packaged meals make for easy adherence, restaurant-friendly (WW Points) give a sense of social freedom, and most, if not, all have a large and supportive online and meeting-oriented community.

Cons: Can be costly up-front or over time.


Culturalweight loss- Cultural

Mediterranean, French-Women-Don’t-Get-Fat, The China Study

The Jist: Oh to be – anything but American? These programs claim that given the fact that our waistbands are ever-growing in this country statistically, we clearly aren’t doing it right. Their diets claim that said Euro-Eastern countries are healthier, because they are more aware of the quality of the ingredients they eat, when they eat, their food portions, and they simply enjoy their meals. In other words, they take time to enjoy their food while eating it, which creates a sense of satisfaction within itself.

Pros: The French, The Italians, The Greek, and seemingly all of Asia eat foods that we Americans consider “off-limits” when dieting, and yet they all “appear” a lot healthier than us. These diets focus on cultural and native foods, portion-control, and sensible indulgences. They believe in getting the most from what you love (in moderation), instead of feeling guilt and deprivation.

Cons: The true con of these diets is that what works for them may not work for us. You may find some foods unpalatable, or find certain ingredients difficult to come by or maintain financially.